In poker, there’s a strategy called the semi-bluff. The semi-bluff is used when a player has a hand that they know is unlikely to be the best hand, but that could become the best if the right cards fall. The basic idea of the semi-bluff is that the chance of the hand becoming the best isn’t good enough to make playing it profitable and the chance of a bluff being successful isn’t good enough to be profitable. But the combination of the chance of a successful bluff and the chance of getting the best hand is enough to make it profitable. By having two possible paths to victory on the hand, an otherwise unprofitable situation becomes profitable.
Swiss Alps Mining & Energy feels like the semi-bluff to me. It’s a big, complicated, ambitious project. As such, the bar for success is set quite high. Based on my admittedly limited understanding of Swiss Alps’ business plan, it seems that the primary path to success will be operating and renting out efficient crypto mining machines. That alone may or may not be enough to make the entire project successful.
Additionally, Swiss Alps will be generating their own power and may have the capability of selling excess energy, which could potentially add to their profits.
If that isn’t enough, there’s the added environmental benefit of the project. Crypto mining on their machines should be far more efficient and environmentally friendly than in other locations. This is a significant benefit as crypto mining already is said to use as much energy worldwide as the total energy consumption of Ireland with the amount expected to increase substantially in the coming years.
Lastly, there’s a cultural benefit, as Swiss Alps will be able to maintain abandoned buildings that contribute to the scenery of the Swiss countryside but would otherwise fall into ruin.
Each of these benefits might not be enough on its own to justify that hard work, expense and risk of an ambitious project like Swiss Alps Mining and Energy, but taken together they make a compelling case for the importance of the project and the benefits that will come from it. I’m certainly hoping (and expecting) that the ICO will be a huge success and that they receive the funding needed for the project to move rapidly ahead in the coming months.
I also believe that this is the type of project that will appeal to the public imagination and hopefully will appeal to environmentally conscious European governments as well. Elon Musk has become a household name because he isn’t afraid to proceed with big, ambitious, risky projects that will change the world, and I think that Swiss Alps falls into this same category. As the project gains momentum, publicity will follow more naturally than it does for many other blockchain projects. In addition, cooperation from governments (initially from the Swiss government and local governments in the Swiss Alps) could go a long way towards overcoming some of the operational and logistical hurdles facing such a complex endeavor.
SAE concept Out of its unique position as an experienced Swiss provider of blockchain technology and hyperledger-based business applications, Swiss Alps Mining & Energy strives to: • promote blockchain technology and its uses to a broader public • provide clients/third parties the decentralized infrastructure to develeop their own blockchain-based projects • address environmental issues associated with crypto mining worldwide • support the local economy in Swiss alpine areas and facilitate the digital transformation in these areas • be an electricity supplier using the distributed ledger technology
SAE future Swiss Alps Energy AG provides the foundation for many future-oriented applications: financial asset custody and transfer, product tracking through blockchain and IoT in logistics and transportation, electronic records in healthcare, and identity management to simplify the KYC process for any conceivable industry are just some examples of how distributed ledger technology can be used. In addition, SAE has developed a sustainable concept to address the disintegration of cultural assets in Alpine areas, while at the same time supporting their economy and digital transformation.
SAM Cubes The flexible and modular mining cubes provide cutting-edge automation and require little maintenance. The cubes are self-contained and operate autonomously. For extensive maintenance and monitoring. SAM Cube is a modular, fast-mountable cube consisting of an aluminum case and a ventilation system adapted to its use. The first two models are a 4x2x2 meter cube (SAM Unit 1) and an 8x2x2 meter cube (SAM Unit 2). Thanks to an annual average temperature of below 15 degrees Celsius in the Swiss mountains, the SAM Cube does not need air conditioning systems.
Unit ONE in the size of 4 x 2 x 2 m
Unit TWO in the size of 8 x 2 x 2 m
Swiss Alps Energy AG strives to raise the capital necessary to set up the corporate structure with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). It is important to create an operating company that is profitable very quickly. Companies and individual persons are target customers for the mining capacities. They may either rent computing power or buy a cube for their own use.
Profit per year UNIT ONE (Bitcoin USD 10’000/pcs, Ethereum USD 1000/pcs) USD 302’387.75
Profit per year UNIT TWO (Bitcoin USD 20’000/pcs, Ethereum USD 2000/pcs) USD 604’775.50
The main source of income will be the leasing of the infrastructure for mining and server facilities. It is possible to rent Asic power for the mining process from SAM Cubes (payment with SAM tokens) or to rent the capacity of an entire cube. For the capacity of 14 TH, SAE charges a fixed fee of $4000 for 2 years and a service fee (operation and electricity costs) of 10% of the mining revenues, which are minted directly into the tenant’s wallet. As mentioned, SAM Unit 1 has 50 Asic miners with a total capacity of 700 TH and SAM Unit 2 has 100 Asic miners with a total capacity of more than 1400 TH. The total number of Asic miners will be determined by the funds raised at the ICO.
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