It is rare you come across a project you truly believe in when there's so much out there with niche potential and big promises. Sometimes we look at an ICO and say "hey I can make some gains with this one" but what about a project that can deliver something more? How about a real world need on a massive scale that solves real problems we face?
I Need Money
Let's take the need for extra income. Everyone needs it, but besides digging for a temp. job on craigslist or searching online boards, there's just not a lot of options to make some extra money. What if we can utilize things we already possess, both tangible and intangible assets and turn that into extra money in our pockets? What if I can leverage my cooking skills, my mining skills, my tools, my couch, my room, my non-existing teaching you how to pick up girls skills? Yup, I just got your attention didn't I?
This is ShareRing
This document is a technical setting out the current and future developments of the Sharering platform and the sharing ecosystem. An integral aspect of the sharing ecosystem is the issuance and usage of the crypto-token known as the share token. Unless expressly specified otherwise, the products, services, and innovations detailed in this are currently under development and are not currently deployed. The Promoters of this and all persons associated with its publication specifically make no warranties or representations as to the successful development, implementation or deployment of any technologies and innovations, or achievements of any other activities noted in this Sharering. The Promoters of this Whitepaper and all persons associated with the preparation and/or publication of this Whitepaper each disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law any and all warranties implied by law.
No person is entitled to rely on the information detailed in this Whitepaper or any inferences drawn from this Whitepaper, including in relation to any interactions with the ShareToken or the technologies mentioned in this Whitepaper. All information contained in this Sharering is derived from data obtained from sources believed by the Promoters of the Whitepaper and all persons associated with the preparation and/ or publication of this Whitepaper to be reliable and is given in good faith. No warranties or guarantees, or representations are made by the Promoters of the Whitepaper and all persons associated with the preparation and/or publication of this Whitepaper with regard to the accuracy or completeness correctness or suitability of the information presented.
The Promoters of the Sharering and all persons associated with the preparation and/or publication of this Whitepaper do not have any responsibility or liability to any personal recipient (whether by reason of negligence, negligent misstatement or otherwise, arising from any statement, opinion or information expressed or implied arising out of contained in or derived from or omission from this Whitepaper. Neither the Promoters nor its advisers have independently verified any of the information, including the forecasts, prospects, and projections contained in this paper.
Enter Keaz
Founded by Tim Bos and Peter David, Keaz is the sister company to ShareRing established in 2013. It currently has over 50 white label car sharing deployments all over the world. Some of these white label clients include:
You won't find a ton of information about Keaz through them since white label clients gets to use the system and claim it as their own, but go ahead and call them up and ask if you need more solid proof! I'm sure Keaz has many more clients not yet revealed with some mysteries due to nondisclosure agreements, but so far there hasn't been any announcements of partnerships for ShareToken as it just soft launched about a week ago.
Many Partnerships Incoming!
From small 'mom and pop' shops to large corporate companies, I'm sure we'll see a nice mix in the end game. It is very interesting to note on the categories ShareRing aims to hit and we can just imagine the types of partnerships that will come from this. May I dare say it'll have more partnerships by the end of 2019 than almost all other blockchain projects?

The Community Needs You
Look, I've shilled enough. Now I need you to help me get the word out. This project is so substantial, it's going to take me and you to give the assist. So join the ShareTrooper army in telegram and let's aim to make a difference in this world.
Here's some research material for ya:
Bounty0x username: meena
Published By : bheem0
bitcointalk :;u=1130931
Published By : bheem0
bitcointalk :;u=1130931
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